From the Institute of Medical Chemistry University Szeged
Edited by
A. Szent-Györgyi
S. Karger Basel, New York
© 1942 S. Karger AG, Basel
Front cover
1. Actin (F.B. Straub)
2. Über das Aktomyosin des Kaninchenmuskels (K. Balenovic and F.B. Straub)
3. The reversibility of the contraction of myosin threads (A. Szent-Györgyi)
4. Über die Fibrinogen-Fibrinumwandlung (K. Laki)
5. The effect of salts on the isoelectric point of casein (T. Erdős)
6. On the electronegativity of atoms and their influence on the isoelectric point of casein (K. Laki)
7. Redoxpotential and resonance energy of certain quinones (K. Laki)
8. Das Oxydationsferment des Kartoffelgewebes (W.F.H.M. Mommaerts)
9. Aminopherase (P. Lénárd and F.B. Straub)
Back cover