Csaba Gábor Talián
Curriculum vitae
Place of birth: Budapest, Hungary
Date of birth: July 7, 1973.
Family status: Married
Educations: Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) in biology at József Attila University, Faculty of Sciences, Szeged, 1996
Language skills: English, German (Latin, Russian)
Work place, research experience: Research student (1994-1996) at Department of Genetics, Biological Research Center, Szeged
Topic: Genetic study of capsular polysaccharide production related to RKP-2 region of Rhizobium meliloti.
1997- 2000 Ph.D. student in molecular cell biology at Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Department of General Zoology
Topic: Genetic regulation of autophagic cell death in insect fat body
2003-2008 University of Pécs, Department of Medical Genetics and child Development
Topic: Examination of carnitine metabolism with ESI tandem mass spectrometry; analysis of susceptibility polymorphisms in composite diseases
2008- University of Pécs, Department of Biophysics
Topic: Role and distribution of non-muscle tropomyosin isoforms in the cytoplasm and cell nucleus
Society memberships:
1998-2003 Hungarian Biological Society, Division of Cell and Developmental Biology
2003- Hungarian Biological Society, Division of Genetics
2009- Hungarian Biophysical Biological Society