Gábor Hild, Ph.D.
West, TG., Hild, G., Siththanandan, VB., Webb, MR., Corrie, JE. and Ferenczi, MA. Time course and strain dependence of ADP release during contraction of permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers. Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96(8), 3281-94.
Kardos, R., K. Pozsonyi, E. Nevalainen, P. Lappalainen, M. Nyitrai, G. Hild. The Effects of ADF/cofilin and Profilin on the Conformation of the ATP-binding Cleft of Monomeric Actin. Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96, 2335-43.
Ujfalusi Z., A. Vig, G. Hild and M. Nyitrai. Effect of Tropomyosin on Formin-Bound Actin Filaments. Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96, 162–168.
Vig, A., R. Dudás, T. Kupi, J. Orbán, G. Hild, D. Lőrinczy and M. Nyitrai. Effect of Phalloidin on Filaments Polymerized from Heart Muscle ADP-actin Monomers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95, 721–725.
Dudás, R., T. Kupi, A. Vig, J. Orbán and D. Lőrinczy. Effect of Phalloidin on the Skeletal Muscle ADP-actin Filaments. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95, 709–712.
Kardos, R., A. Vig, J. Orbán, G. Hild, M. Nyitrai and D. Lőrinczy. The Effect of Jasplakinolide on the Thermodynamic Properties of BeFX Bound Actin Filaments. Thermochim. Acta, 2007, 463, 77–80.
Papp, G., B. Bugyi, Z. Ujfalusi, Sz. Barkó, G. Hild, B. Somogyi and M. Nyitrai. Conformational Changes in Actin Filaments Induced by Formin Binding to the Barbed End. Biophys. J., 2006, 91(7) , 2564-72.
Bugyi, B., G. Papp, G. Hild, D. Lőrinczy, E.M. Nevalainen, P. Lappalainen, B. Somogyi and M. Nyitrai. Formins Regulate Actin Filament Flexibility Thorugh Long-Range Allosteric Interactions. J. Biol. Chem., 2006, 281(16), 10727-36.
Simor, T., Gaszner, B., Oshinski, JN., Waldrop, SM., Pettigrew, RI., Horváth, IG., Hild, G. and Elgavish, GA. Gd(ABE-DTTA)-enhanced cardiac MRI for the diagnosis of ischemic events in the heart. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging., 2005, 21(5), 536-45.
Visegrády, B., D. Lőrinczy,
G. Hild, B. Somogyi, and M. Nyitrai. A Simple Model for the Cooperative Stabilisation
of Actin Filaments by Phalloidin and Jasplakinolide. FEBS Lett., 2005, 579(1),
6-10. PubMed, pdf.
Visegrády, B., D. Lőrinczy, G. Hild, B. Somogyi and M. Nyitrai. The
Effect of Phalloidin and Jasplakinolide on the Flexibility and Thermal Stability
of Actin Filaments. FEBS Lett., 2004, 565(1-3), 163-6. PubMed, pdf
Hild, G., M. Nyitrai and B. Somogyi. Intermonomer flexibility of Ca- and Mg-actin filaments at different pH values. Eur. J. Biochem., 2002, 269(3), 842-849. PubMed, full text
Gaszner, B., Simor, T., Hild, G. and Elgavish, GA. The effects of the NMR shift-reagents Dy(PPP)2, Dy(TTHA) and Tm(DOTP) on developed pressure in isolated perfused rat hearts. The role of shift-reagent calcium complexes. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 2001,33(11), 1945-56.
Nyitrai, M., G. Hild, N. Hartvig, J. Belágyi and B. Somogyi. Conformational and dynamic differences between actin filaments polymerized from ATP- or ADP-actin monomers. J. Biol. Chem., 2000, 275(52), 41143-9. PubMed, pdf
Nyitrai, M., G. Hild, E. Bódis, A. Lukács and B. Somogyi. Flexibility of myosin-subfragment-1 in its complex with actin as revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Eur. J. Biochem., 2000, 267(14), 4334-8. PubMed , full text
Nyitrai, M., G. Hild, A. Lukács, E. Bódis and B. Somogyi. Conformational distributions and proximity relationships in the rigor complex of actin and myosin subfragment-1. J. Biol. Chem., 2000, 275(4), 2404-9. PubMed, pdf
Nyitrai, M., G. Hild, J. Belágyi and B. Somogyi. The flexibility of actin filaments as revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The influence of divalent cations. J. Biol. Chem., 1999, 274(19), 12996-3001. PubMed, pdf
Hild, G., M. Nyitrai, J. Belágyi and B. Somogyi. The influence of divalent cations on the dynamic properties of actin filaments: a spectroscopic study. Biophys. J., 1998, 75(6), 3015-22. PubMed, pdf
Nyitrai, M., G. Hild, Z. Lakos and B. Somogyi. Effect of Ca2+-Mg2+ exchange on the flexibility and/or conformation of the small domain in monomeric actin. Biophys. J., 1998, 74(5), 2474-81. PubMed, pdf
Nyitrai, M., G. Hild, J. Belágyi and B. Somogyi. Spectroscopic study of conformational changes in subdomain 1 of G-actin: influence of divalent cations. Biophys. J., 1997, 73(4), 2023-32. PubMed
Hild, G., M. Nyitrai, R. Gharavi, B. Somogyi and J. Belágyi. Fluorescence quenching of the tryptophan emission from the F- and G-forms of actin. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B Biology, 1996, 35(3), 175-9. PubMed, pdf