Miklós Nyitrai, Ph.D.
Curriculum vitae
Personal details:
Date of Birth: 6 th of May, 1969.
Place of Birth: Debrecen, Hungary.
Marital status: Married to Erzsebet Szabo, with two children; Bence Miklos Nyitrai, born 1996; Boglarka Nyitrai, born 1998.
Citizenship: Hungarian.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biological Sciences,
University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Hungary, 1997.
Languages: English, Latin and Russian.
Present professional appointments:
Head of the Department of Biophysics, University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Hungary.
Past appointments:
Associate Professor of Biophysics since 2000-2006.
Department of Biophysics, University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Hungary.
Head of the Department: Prof. Bela Somogyi.
Research Associate in Biochemistry, (2001-2003).
Department of Biosciences, University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, UK.
Group leader: Prof. Michael A. Geeves.
Assistant Professor of Biophysics, (1997-2000).
Department of Biophysics, University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Hungary.
Advisor: Prof. Bela Somogyi.
Research Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (1993-1994).
Department of Biophysics, University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Hungary.
Advisor: Prof. Bela Somogyi.
Education (graduate and postgraduate):
Ph.D. student in Biological Sciences at the Department of Biophysics, University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine, Hungary, (1994-1997).
Advisor: Prof. Bela Somogyi.
Research student, Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI), Debrecen, Hungary (1990-1993).
Topic: ‘Design, development and test of micro-miniature cryogen refrigerators’.
Advisor: Dr. György Máthé.
Graduate student, Kossuth Lajos University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary, (1988-1993).
High School student, Tóth Árpád High School, Debrecen, Hungary, (1983-1987).
Memberships in professional societies:
Hungarian Biophysical Society, member since 1995.
American Biophysical Society, member since 2000.
Hungarian Biochemical Society, member since 2002.
Secretary of the Spectroscopic Group, Pecs Academic Committee, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1999-2001).
Secretary of the Quantum Chemistry Group, Pecs Academic Committee, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1999-2001).
Secretary of the Physics Section, Pecs Academic Committee, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, since 2002.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, since 2006.
Current Research Support
Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship, 2006-2011, 455,000GBP, # 079003;‘Jedlik Ányos ’ Program grant (NKFT1-00007/2005), 2006-2008, our lab receives HUF 35M (previously supervised by Dr. Bela Somogyi);
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA K60186), 2006-2008, HUF 12,8M;
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA K60968), 2006-2009, HUF 19,3M (previously supervised by Dr. Bela Somogyi);
Project Grant from the National Office for Research and Technology (GVOP-3.1.1-0005437), 2005-2007, HUF 55M (previously supervised by Dr. Bela Somogyi);
‘ Öveges József ’ Program grant (‘Biofiz02’), 2007, HUF 5,5M;
Previous Grants
Project Grant from the National Office for Research and Technology (GVOP-3.2.1-2004-04-0198), 2005-2007, HUF 34M;
Marie-Curie European Reintegration Grant (Mobility-11), 2004.
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA T043103 ), 2003-2005.
Instrument grant from the Ministry of Education (KM Ü FA MU00142 ), 2002. ‘Stopped-flow system’
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA D 32813 ), 1999-2000.
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation for Young Investigators (OTKA F 020174), 1996-2000. Co-supervisor: Dr. Zsuzsa Lakos.
Instrument Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA M36517), 2001.
‘Syngene Multigenius SDS-Gel Analysis and Documentation System’.
Previous Contributions to Grants
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA T034442), 2001-2004.
Supervisor: Dr. Bela Somogyi
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA T032700), 2000-2003.
Supervisor: Dr. Bela Somogyi
Research Grant from the Hungarian Ministry of Social Welfare (FKFP 0252/2000), 2000-2002. Supervisor: Dr. György Hegyi
Research Grant from the Hungarian Ministry of Social Welfare (FKFP 0463/1999), 1999-2001. Supervisor: Dr. Béla Somogyi
Research Grant from the Hungarian Ministry of Social Welfare (ETT T-07 202/99), 1999-2001. Supervisor: Dr. Gabor Hild
Instrument Grant KMÜFA MU-00266/2000, 2000 “Preparative ultracentrifuge, Sorvall ULTRA PRO 80”. To: Dr. Bela Somogyi Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA T023209), 1997-2000.
Supervisor: Dr. Bela Somogyi
2000: Travel Grant from the Hungarian Sciences Foundation for the 44 th Annual Meeting of the American Biophysical Society, 2000, New Orleans, USA.
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA T020117), 1996-1999.
Supervisor: Dr. Bela Somogyi
Research Grant from the Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA T017727) 1995-1998.
Supervisor: Dr. Bela Somogyi
1995: Travel Grant from the SOROS Foundation for three months in the laboratory of Prof. Franklyn G. Prendergast, Department of Biochemistry, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
Awards and Honors:
‘ Öveges József ’ Program Fellowship (‘ actinnym’), 2007.
‘Bolyai Janos’ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006-2007.
‘Kovács Tibor ’ Award of the Hungarian Immunological Society. 2004.
EMBO/HHMI Scientist, 2003-2005.
Young Researcher Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2001.
(shared with Dr. Gabor Hild)
‘Bolyai Janos’ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1999-2001.
Editorial Board member: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, since 2005.
Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology; Biochemistry; Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods