Szilvia Barkó
Barkó, Sz., Bugyi, B., Carlier, M.F., Gombos, R., Matusek, T., Mihály, J., and M. Nyitrai. (2010) Characterization of the Biochemical Properties and Biological Function of the Formin Homology Domains of Drosophila DAAM. J. Biol. Chem., 285(17), 13154–13169.
Ujfalusi, Z., Barkó, Sz., Hild, G. and M. Nyitrai. (2010) The effects of formins on the conformation of subdomain 1 in actin filaments. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B., 98, 7-11.
Orbán, J., Kinga Pozsonyi, Krisztina Szarka, Szilvia Barkó, Emőke Bódis and D. Lőrinczy. Thermal characterization of actin filaments prepared from ADP-actin monomers. J. Thermal Anal. and Calorim., 2006, 84 (3), 619-623.
Papp, G., B. Bugyi, Z. Ujfalusi, Sz. Barkó, G. Hild, B. Somogyi and M. Nyitrai. Conformational Changes in Actin Filaments Induced by Formin Binding to the Barbed End. Biophys. J., 2006, 91, 1-9.
Halasi, S., G. Papp, B. Bugyi, S. Barkó, J. Orbán, Z. Ujfalusi and B. Visegrády. The Effect of Pyrene Labelling on the Thermal Stability of Actin Filaments. Thermochim. Acta, 2006, 445, 185-189.
Orbán, J., Sz. Halasi, G. Papp, Szilvia Barkó and Beáta Bugyi. Thermodynamic characterization of different actin isoforms. J. Thermal Anal. and Calorim., 2005, 82, 287-290.