Tünde Kupi
Kupi, T., Gróf, P., Nyitrai, M. and J. Belágyi. The Uncoupling of the Effects of Formins on the Local and Global Dynamics of Actin Filaments. Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96, 1–11.
Vig, A., R. Dudás, T. Kupi, J. Orbán, G. Hild, D. Lőrinczy and M. Nyitrai. Effect of Phalloidin on Filaments Polymerized from Heart Muscle ADP-actin Monomers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95, 721–725.
Dudás, R., T. Kupi, A. Vig, J. Orbán and D. Lőrinczy. Effect of Phalloidin on the Skeletal Muscle ADP-actin Filaments. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2009, 95, 709–712.